Collaborating on Climate Change:

Showcasing UoL Climate Change Research

Explore new engagement opportunities beyond the university, in Greater Lincolnshire, to tackle local (and global) climate change issues.
The University of Lincoln places great importance on engaging external groups in their research to tackle the climate crisis. This short, conference-style event will expose local stakeholders from the private, public and third sectors to climate research and engagement at the University of Lincoln to explore new engagement opportunities beyond the university, in Greater Lincolnshire, to tackle local (and global) climate change issues.

Sessions will take the form of 10-minute short talks over two themed sessions: i) Climate Change: Science and ii) Impacts and Climate Change: Informing Climate Action. These sessions will give attendees an overview of some of the research being carried out at the University of Lincoln and how we have been engaging with external stakeholders and the community. The sessions will be then followed by a panel discussion and Q&A where invited discussants will explore the key questions around climate engagement in the Greater Lincolnshire area with attendees.

What is Climate Week?

As world leaders come together for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), the University of Lincoln is showing its support by hosting a week of activities to encourage students, staff, and our local community to engage with climate action. 

We have devised a series of events in collaboration with the Lincoln Students’ Union that aim to inform, inspire, and empower our community to be proactive in their approach to tackling climate change. From learning about how you can improve your carbon neutrality, taking part in a community weeding activity with local residents, to testing your environmental knowledge in our sustainability-themed quiz, this is your chance to help make a positive impact on the world around you. 

The Lincoln Students’ Union are encouraging members of staff and students to submit individual comitments to helping tackle climate change – you can submit your pledge using the link listed further down this page.

You can explore the range of activities we have planned, including booking links, by visiting the main climate week page HERE

Mini Conference Programme

13:45 (15mins) – Arrivals. Tea & coffee in Stephen Langton atrium.

14:00 (10mins) – Introduction to Climate Week (Prof. Libby John, PVC College of Science) & welcome to the event (Dr. Andrew Kythreotis)

14:10 (60mins) – Session 1: Climate Change: Science and Impacts

  • Prof. Edward Hanna: Human-induced climate change effects on local to global extreme weather and rising sea levels
  • Prof. Anna Wilkinson: Does the environment impact how an animal thinks?
  • Prof. Chris Thomas: Malaria and climate in sub-Saharan Africa: understanding local variation to target interventions
  • Dr Jing Zhao: Passivhaus: A low energy housing typology to combat climate change: barriers and opportunities
  • Prof. Mark Macklin: Transformation and adaptation for 21st century flooding: East Lindsey resilient communities project

15:10 (20mins) – Comfort break

15:20 (60mins) – Session 2: Climate Change: Informing Climate Action

  • Dr. Andrew Kythreotis: The Lincoln Climate Commission: The story so far…
  • Beth Warman: Curiosity killed the cat, but saved the planet: A strengths and mindfulness-based approach to improving engagement in sustainability
  • Dr. Barry Turner: Climate change and environmental science in the media: Does the emphasis on climate change displace other threats to the ecosphere?
  • Dr. Scott Brewster: Ghostprints: Walking, Climate and the Gothic
  • Dr. Ehsan Ahmadian: Climate change and future cities: What is their mutual influence?

16:20 (35 mins) – Discussion Panel and Q&A: Tackling Climate Change in Greater Lincolnshire – key questions around climate engagement

  • Chair: Dr. Matt Young, PEARL Engagement Manager, University of Lincoln
  • Kate Bell, Climate Change Manager, Lincoln City Council
  • David Hickman, Head of Environment, Lincolnshire County Council
  • Mark Schofield, Project Officer, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
  • Dr. Andrew Kythreotis, School of Geography, University of Lincoln and Lincoln Climate Commissioner
  • Dr. Theresa Mercer, School of Geography, University of Lincoln

16:55 (5mins) – Close (Dr. Andrew Kythreotis)

17:00 (60mins) – Networking, wine and nibbles (courtesy of the British Academy)